Crimbo Limbo

Client: Pickering’s Gin
Agency: Sunshine The Social Agency
Role: Art Director

Welcome to the familiar and beautifully chaotic world of Crimbo Limbo. Pickering’s Gin launched their first Gin Calendar, helping its customers get through those in-between festive days post-Christmas day and pre-New Year celebrations. This calendar is a daily time-keeping tipple when you truly don’t know what day of the week it is.

Art Directing this world post-Christmas madness with all the trimmings was an absolute joy. From the wrapping paper mountain to the tinsel-covered wheelie bin! Every scene was carefully considered to evoke the true feeling of Crimbo Limbo and get you in the mood for a festive G&T and bin the lumpy milk.


Back (in time) To School


Suppers | Sumosas