Meet the Early Birds
Client: Scottish Government
Agency: Leith Agency, Edinburgh
Role: Art direction
The words playful and entertaining don’t often go hand in hand when thinking about cancer detection. However, as the brief was to create an activation to support the existing TVC, which captured the importance of cancer detection using cartoonish storytelling. We wanted to go over and above the usual pop-up banners and clipboards, so we created an eye-catching aviary with custom-made posts and nests to go with it.
Having a bright and intriguing stand drew passers-by in and enabled the field team to chat with 6,000+ people in 11 days, across 16 shopping centres. Our message was to first meet the early birds and then ‘be the early bird’ and visit your GP practice straight away if you’re experiencing unusual, persistent symptoms.
An additional element to the stall was a colouring-in station and cuddly toys area for kids, I urged the client to include this as it came to my attention during a research trip that many people in the target demographic within the shopping centres had childcare responsibilities during the day. The kid’s area allowed parents or guardians to pause and chat with the field team whilst their children remained entertained.